October 2016

We are just winding up our fall season. Lots of schools participating, plus doing our annual Lounsbery ‘Science at Sea’ program based in Boston Harbor. We also enjoyed having a Home-School group from California-a great experience. Once again we finish the year with over 2000 students out on the water, engaged in hands-on oceanographic and […]

July News

The great weather continues this month, with trips for SEA (Sea Education Association), the Advanced Biotechnology Institute,  Children’s School of Science, a STEM group from a summer program at Massasoit Community College,  the INSIGHT Program from Rhode Island, Waypoint Academy and  groups from Bourne Community Boating. We’re looking forward to the Woods Hole Science Stroll […]

June News

In addition to running our 1/2 day scientific cruises for visiting schools, we have been upgrading our Interactive Topographic Modeling System (AR Sandbox). We have run experiments using it as a flume tank (with real water) an have set up two systems, side-by-side. This allows for a nearly 80 inch flume. See our clip and […]

May News

We’re right in the middle of our busy spring season (see photos below). Once again, Kenmore East HS (Buffalo) spent the day here and finished with their traditional Pizza Party at our office. We will also have schools from Long Island, Albany NY, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Trips include our oceanographic and marine […]

April News

We are rapidly booking schools for the spring. Please email Rob at rreynolds@zephyrmarine.org for more information. In the meantime, long-time friend and colleague Doug Levin, sent a link regarding the Fixed Point Open Ocean Observatories project. The concept introduced here is central to one of the themes of our program: ocean monitoring. It fits well […]

March News

We are pleased to announce we have once again received funding from the Richard Lounsbery Foundation to run our popular Boston ‘Science at Sea’ program. This opportunity is available at no charge to Boston Public Schools (middle and high schools). It consists of a 2 hour hands-on scientific cruise in Boston Harbor aboard UMass Boston’s […]