Category Archives : Uncategorized

April News

April is a great time of year because we start our scientific cruises out of Woods Hole. So far we have school groups from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York and New Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey, and Minnesota coming this spring. Wellesley College students studying the plankton tow.

March News

We are almost fully booked for spring Ocean Science ‘cruises’ out of Woods Hole. Please contact Rob at to receive information and book a day for your class. Here’s a photo of a class in the lab.  

February News

Before bringing your class to Woods Hole, you may have the students read some background information regarding things they’ll experience here. Please email Rob at to receive the file.

January 2017

Classes are starting to sign up for this spring. Please contact us soon to reserve a date. I’ve taken a look back to see the kinds of different groups that have participated in our program: Public Middle and High Schools (including Vocational Schools), English Language Learning Programs (High School), 4-Year and Community Colleges, Independent Middle […]

December News

We have already started booking quite a few cruise dates for next spring. On the Topographic Modeling System front, due to high demand we now have two portable systems to bring to schools and conferences. Among the schools were we have taken them this fall include Our Sisters, Provincetown, Mashpee HS, In addition we have run […]

November News

Periodically we like to share a few of the written comments from teachers and students we have received in the past year: The students are working on a video clip because they consider it as their best field trip ever. All I hear from the kids is how great a trip it was. I can’t […]