Category Archives : Uncategorized

September-October News

We’ve had an incredibly busy fall; lots of schools, students, boat trips. One of the highlights of the fall was our Science at Sea program in Boston Harbor. We were extremely fortunate to have received sponsorship funding from the generous people at the Boston-based Vertex Foundation. Fourteen classes from inner-city schools came out on our […]

July 2018

Reminder that we are running free trips in Boston Harbor the week of October  1-5. These are for Boston Public High Schools. Contact me at This opportunity is provided by Vertex Corporation. Still more trips this summer with excellent photo ops, including trips funded by Boston Scientific Foundation.  

April 2018

Despite the lousy weather so far this spring we’re looking forward (my toddler son Justin used to say ‘looking frontways’) to an exciting spring season. If you’re interested in arranging a class trip to Woods Hole and going out on our scientific ‘cruise’, please contact us soon. Many schools have booked dates. Most schools are […]

February News, 2018

We are so excited to announce a new sponsorship grant from the Vertex Foundation that will allow us to continue our Boston ‘Science at Sea’ Program in 2018! Thanks to their generosity, we will run a series of 2 hour, hands-on scientific cruises in Boston Harbor in October, at no charge, for up to 15 […]

National Grid Foundation Grant

We are pleased to announce we have just received a grant from the National Grid Foundation for $9,500 in support of our Marine Science and Technology Program in 2018. The grant will allow us to offer on-the-water scientific ‘cruises’ to eight low income schools and also to bring our Interactive Topographic Modeling Systems to schools […]