About Us

Zephyr Staff and Advisory Board:


Rob and Kris Reynolds started Zephyr Education Foundation in 2009. Over 21,000 college, high school, and middle school students have participated in Zephyr cruises since 2010. Rob’s summer job during high school and college was working as the mate on the Marine Biological Lab’s 40 foot collecting boat “Ciona”. After graduating from Princeton, he worked as a field engineer, party chief, program manager and field operations manager for EG&G Oceanographic Consultants. In 1982 Rob joined ORE International (Ocean Research Equipment) and in 1991 became co-owner of the company. In 1999 he left to become co-owner of TG&B Marine Services, a company that provides marine environmental sampling services throughout New England.

Dr. Justin Reynolds is a Director and periodic on-board educator for Zephyr. His summer job during school was as a diver collecting specimens for MBL. He has degrees from University of Chicago, University of Cambridge, and a Ph.D. from Columbia. His full-time job is as co-founder and Director of Gull Island Institute located on the Elizabeth Islands. gullisland.org


Amelia Macapia recently graduated with a B.S. in Biology and Environmental Science from Tufts University. She’s working with the Mooney lab to analyze fish calls on coral reefs from acoustic dataset collected in the Caribbean, improve our automated fish call detection, and assist in testing of novel passive acoustic monitoring buoys. She is an on-board educator for Zephyr.



Nate Spada is a Research Assistant at WHOI with extensive field experience on oceanographic vessels as well as a marine science educator for middle and high school students.



Dave Bailey has a Masters in Fisheries Science from the University of New Hampshire and a BS from the University of Rhode Island. He has a diverse background in marine science which includes work as a costal scientist, fisheries observer, teacher, and diver/collector for the MBL. Along with working as an educator for ZEF, Dave has done consulting work for various environmental companies in the area and is a scientist in the aquaculture program at WHOI.



We are fortunate to have a distinguished Scientific Advisory Board.

Dr. Richard Reynolds, USGS Senior Scientist Emeritus His CV can be found by clicking here

Dr. David Reynolds, Executive Geophysicist, Exxon (ret)

James Manning, Oceanographer, NOAA.   His CV can be found here

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Our office at 97 Water Street. Our entrance is on the side around to the left.

Zephyr Education Foundation, Inc.


508 566 7790