Check out this great slide show put together by Portsmouth Abbey. Shane McCarthy brought his class to Woods Hole a couple of weeks ago. Click below:
Also please read the feedback from a high school teacher who brought his class here a week ago:
Hi Rob,
It really was a fantastic trip. I am so happy that we were able to arrange the make-up date and that the weather turned out to be perfect. My students had an incredible time as well. I sent out a quick survey to see what they thought and here are some responses when asked about their favorite part of the trip:
- “Going out on the water and learning about the different sea creatures that the guide was able to pull from the water (like the spider crab we named Marvin and the Sea Stars!)”
- “I loved being out on the boat, specifically when we got to look at the animals and plankton. We had already seen a lot of animals in the lab, but we got to see and hold a brittle sea star which was really really cool (it moved a lot which i did not expect), and also I didn’t expect that I would really be able to see the plankton, so looking at them and the comb jellyfish was also very fun.”
- “Observing and holding marine life from these waters and asking questions about certain ones”
- “I enjoyed the boat the most and the different tools the researchers used. The cart with the camera was the first time that I saw the bottom of the ocean like that in real time.”
- “Best field trip ever, great town and fun activities”
They also wanted to thank you all:
- “Thank you so much for having us! Best field trip out of all my years of education because everything was fun and engaging by doing things like involving students in hands on activities. Can’t wait to come back and visit!”
- “I had a really great time getting to actually see and experience what real marine biologists do. Walking around the labs and docks, and going out on the boat using real equipment was really cool to see as a high schooler interested in going into biology. Thank you to the whole crew of today’s field trip!”
- “Thank you so much! You were so informative and patient with our group!”
- “I am truly thankful for putting in your time to teach us students about your work and research.”
- “Thanks for taking the time to teach about the ocean! The trip on the boat with all the tools that researchers use was very interesting. This hands on approach to learning really sparked my interest in oceanographic research. I hope to come visit Woods Hole again sometime.”
- “Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to experience real marine research, you were all so cool and our activities were really fun and informative!”
Thank you so much and please pass my gratitude on to Joe, Amy, and Alex. I am already looking forward to next years trip!