We have had a very busy fall and are about to end our scientific cruise season soon. This year we ran about 90 boat trips on Vineyard Sound. Here are some of the highlights:

“We’re so grateful for your excitement and expertise-especially thankful for your expertise making the experience hands-on for our students. You helped make a day they will remember forever.”

“It was an awesome trip as always. Joe and Alex were great and Chloe was wonderful to have on board. “

“I just wanted to let you know how much we appreciated your time, energy, and expertise during our day with you at Woods Hole. Our students’ experience on Thursday was a huge highlight of the whole week!”

“They learned so much under your guidance and expertise. It continues to be a favorite trip for most of our students as well as chaperone staff.”

“The experience the young people had with you was an experience of a lifetime. They cannot stop talking about the boat, the dredging and of course the horseshoe crab.”