We are starting our 13th year providing ocean science “cruises” for students. Pre-Covid, about 2000 students per year came out on Vineyard Sound with us. In 2022 our program is slowly coming back.
Our mission is to increase students’ ocean science literacy through our hands shipboard activities where we replicate some of the work done on the local Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Marine Biological Laboratory and NOAA’s Northeast Marine Fisheries Center’s vessels.
Our program has evolved to engage students to better understand the urgency regarding climate change and environmental sustainability. Now more than ever it is critical to bring students face to face with these issues, learn what research is being undertaken to address them and how our behavior must change. Not all students will be scientists, but all will become voters and hopefully support environmental stewardship.
Please contact us if you’d like more information regarding donating or a class field trip to Woods Hole.
Rob Reynolds. rreynolds@zephyrmarine.org