Yearly Archives: 2015

June 2015, NMEA Conference

We will have our incredible Augmented Reality Sandbox at the NMEA Conference in Newport June 29-July 1. Please come visit our booth. In addition, Chris Reeves will be presenting a talk Monday at 1:30 describing our Ocean Scientist App. This will be a great opportunity to learn about using this technology for field trips. This […]

Boston Science at Sea Program

We just completed a fantastically fun and successful week of taking Boston city school classes on the Woods Hole Oceanographic vessel “Tioga’. Great weather, great fun, and great science. All made possible by a grant from the Richard Lounsbery Foundation.                

May 2015

This is a great month for us. We are running trips in Boston Harbor for inner-city schools on the WHOI vessel “Tioga” during the second week of May. This is always one of the highlights of the year. This free cruise series is provided by a grant from the Richard Lounsbery Foundation. Other school boat […]

March 2015

Schools are booking trips and the calendar is filling up. Please also contact us if you wish to select the Ocean Scientist Discovery App program for your class.

February News, Interactive Topographic Modeling System

Our Augmented Reality Sandbox (see December News) has received remarkable positive feedback from scientists and teachers. We have built a mobile system to take to schools and now have been asked to build several systems for schools and museums. Please contact us if you would like additional information regarding these interactive learning systems. Our email […]