Yearly Archives: 2014

December News, Zephyr’s GeoMarine Lab

We have expanded our GeoMarine Lab in our office/classroom space in Woods Hole. In collaboration Stephanie Madsen (WHOI) and their grant from the MacArthur Foundation, we have jointly developed lesson plans for our incredible Interactive Topographic Modeling System, (Augmented Reality Sandbox) for visiting classes. In December we have added a Hydraulic Modeling capability to the […]

November News

We are pleased to announce funding from the Richard Lounsbery Foundation (Washington DC) that will allow us to again run our “Science at Sea” program in Boston Harbor for inner-city schools. If you are a Boston City school teacher, please contact us regarding this terrific opportunity. Codman Academy

October News

Once again we hosted a great group (56 students) from Kenmore East HS outside Buffalo, NY. Each year Tim Freeman and Bob O’Connor put together an amazing field trip for the school; this year visiting Boston, Woods Hole, New York and a mine in Scranton, PA. We divided into 3 groups and rotated between the […]

Zephyr’s Interactive Topographic Modeling System

September: We just completed building an Augmented Reality Sandbox. Check out this video (by developer Oliver Kreylos) showing how cool it is: Look at additional information and clips in our December post. There are only a handful of these in the country. School classes on the Zephyr field trips can use this sandbox while in […]

Zephyr Data Buoy

With the help of Lowell Instruments ( we installed a data buoy about a mile east of Nobska Point in Vineyard Sound. It transmits the following data every half hour: wind speed, highest wind gust, air temperature, barometric pressure and surface water temperature (1 meter depth). One interesting thing we’ve found is that surface water […]

June 2014

June was an exciting month for field trips, aided by the great weather we’ve had in Woods Hole. Classes from Falmouth’s Lawrence Academy, Oak Ridge School in Sandwich, and the Future Scholars program from Mass General Hospital all came out on Vineyard Sound.  Chester High School from Pennsylvania came to Woods Hole for several days […]