Some Feedback from our 2023 Trips

Hi Rob – what an amazing trip we had and a great day with you.

“This trip was so cool, leaming everything about bioluminescence, deep sea exploration, and oceanic life is one thing, but going out to sea, holding the sea urchins in your hand and seeing the crabs scuttle around brings so much more meaning to the pure intellectual knowledge of ocean life. Being able to partake in the research itself was also very empowering, it showed me how I could make a difference for our planet and our future generations.

“This trip was something that I will be thinking about for a long time. We had learned about this habitat and its creatures for an entire year and had been looking forward to this trip for months. However, it was so much more eye-opening than I expected..

I have had one of the best times of my life. I’ve leared so much on this trip. Thank you all for making this wondrous trip possible.

The students learned so much and we all had an amazing time;  Looking forward to bringing future classes to WH through the Zephyr program.

You gave out students an incredible experience today. They learned so much.

We had suuuuccchhh a great time last year, I would love to have another set of youngsters come visit your facilities.  I will send you some of the feedback and videos about how the experience changed their lives.  Thank you for your willingness to support the camp.

I wanted to check in and let you know…the 2023 STEAM camp was AMAZING!!!!!

The young men stated this camp changed their lives forever.  From dredging with Rob and Zephyr then going to WHOI and MBL and meeting PhD students from MIT working there, opening their eyes to so many possibilities; young people can’t be what they can’t see.  The impact resonated, hearing that more than half of the young men will apply to MIT, and one would like to intern at WHOI.

We got back just fine that day and the kids are still talking in class about things from the boat trip/village tour…always the highlight of the year!

Thank you so much for the opportunity to go out on the boat and the amazing tours!  

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